Circle Games ( Cambridge )

This stories are about “circle. ” And this book was consisted by 5 stories in Singapore. The frst story is about the husband. He is alone in telling his old history without working. The second story about husband and wife. They wanted a steering whill on the wall in a restaurant because the wheel is related to their ancester. The third story is about that a boy having a lot of troubles overcame his problems. The forth story about that a father earning money by tricycle taxi for his son. Each of stories, it was not used difficulty words. But I felt boring.


The double bass mystery

Original fiction . Penny Wade travels to Barcelona to perform in a concert with her orchestra. But the trip is not quite what she imagined. Her double bass goes missing and her boyfriend is acting very strangely. One night everyone is woken by screams and the orchestra manager is found dead on the street outside their hotel. Did he fall from the hotel window or was he pushed? And what has Penny’s missing double bass got to do with it?  When she could understand the killing, she learned the truth.
