Island of the Blue Dolphins

‘I lifted my arms to the ship, but it moved slowly away.’

The story is narrated by twelve-year-old Karana, who belongs to a small tribe of Native Americans living on the coast of California. One day, she and her brother find out a red seils on the horizon. The visitors of the red seils will be allowed to camp on the island and hunt otter if they give the tribe half of the collected pelts.When it is time for the hunter to leave, they only offer one trunk of spearheads and jewelry, and no pelts, despite the fact that they have had a very successful hunt. Chowig, Karana’s father,  demands three more trunks, but the conflict leads to a full-scale battle between the visitors and the tribe’s warriors. The Aleuts win because they have a cannon. More than half of the tribe’s members die in the battlle. As a result, only Karana could survive.

This novel is too long to read in short time. And I can not tell what this book is. Can we get a happy ending until this book is read? Or bad ending? Why don’t you read it? We can watch the movie


O’Del,S. (1973).Is land of the Blue Dolphins. Penguin Readers

The Great Gatsby

This book has a lot of difficult vocabulary. I could not understand well. The difficulty with reading is not only vocabulary but also phrase. The difficult phrase I’ve never seen effected my reading skills. When new vocabularies and phrases came out, I had to look up in a dictionary. This action improve my skills.

‘Just remember that all the people in this wolrd haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.’

This time, I read first part and second half. I gave up. The main character is Nick  Carraway, not Gatsby. Nick has an observant eye. Therefore he could not meet people who is matching Nick, without Gatsby. in the first part, little fool peple emerged. I thought that the rhetoric helped awesomeness of Gatsby.

Fitzgerald, S. (2004) The Great Gatsby. USA:Now a Major Motion Picture

the fall of the house of usher and other stories

‘Suddenly the door of the room opened, and there stood …’

The main character, the name is hidden, stayed at the house of Roderick Usher by his invitation. Roderick had younger sister, Madeline. He and she suffered from special or unique disease, the sickness afflicted Ushers for a long time. And then Madeline unfortunately lost her life. Roderick buried her at the ground…

Edgar Allan poe. (2000). The fall of the House of Usher and other stories. London: Penguin readers 3

Journey to Mars

‘Do you shoot Buck? Or do you wait?’

This is my First reading series of Atama-ii books. I thought what points are Atama-ii in this book. Then first I noticed that this book is optimal. The ending is freedom. Do you shoot or not? If you choose shoot, go to P8, if you choose not shoot, go to P10 etcetc……

After that, I did not go to Mars. Before I arrived at Mars, I got to Blue Planet. But the ending is optimal. My ending is not bad. If you have the choice of leading you to bad end, you could enjoy this  story more and more.

Paul, R. (2014). Journey To Mars. Tokyo: Atama-ii Books.