Wild Country

I was feeling quite fed up actually.

I was very hot, my legs hurt again, and I was tired of watching Ellen and Grant together.

She was still touching his arm when she spoke to him, and they were still laughing together all the time.


This story’s genre was Romance. I like it, but this story was normal and I wasn’t excited. I want to read a romance which I can’t guess the end and excite me.

Wild Country was Tess’s father’s company in France. Tess worked there as a tour leader for group walking holiday. Grant worked there too, and he was handsome and a man of ability, while she wasn’t. Their relation was so bad. One day, they went to a same tour. Tess had a lot of faults. The tour beamed bad gradually. However, Grant helped her, in the end, they became good partner.

Margaret Johnson.(2008). Wild Country. Cambridge

Double Cross

Monica let the man pull her towards him.

When she was very close to him she stepped very hard on his right foot with the sharp hell of her left foot.

The man cried out in pain and let go of her.


Swedish minister, Kurt Carlsson, who is a minister was going to be killed by someone. Then Monika Lundgren, an Swedish sgent chased the killer. When she chased the killer, she found a strange football team, Millham United. She suspected them and tailed them. She catch the killer?

Monica went to Helsinki and  London for searching, but I don’t know why she visit there.She should collect information around her.  After all, She could avoid the assassination and could save his life, Kurt Carlsson.

This book is thriller. In the scene that Monika was found by a member of Millham United, I felt thrilling. I thought that Monika was brave although she was female. It was a little difficult for me to read, but interesting.

double cross: 裏切り

Philip Prowse. (1999). Double Cross. Cambridge

How I Met Myself

That night I had a strange dream. In my dream, I heard the noise of a door shutting loudly.

I was running out of a building and I ran into someone. A man.

He fell down. I turned to say sorry.

This story is written about a man. His name is John Taylor. One day, he met someone who has a same face as him. He was very surprised and wanted to talk with, but the man was disappeared. Since this experience, he started to investigate about same face man and doppelganger. Finally he found a old incident, it related same face man. In 1995, a family was killed. That all family’s name was same as John’s.

The story is unbelievable, especially doppelganger, but I want to meet a person who has same face with me.

David A. Hill. (2001). How I Met Myself. Cambridge

Just Good Friends

‘You know I promised Stephany she could use the flat.

It was before I knew you. I can’t suddenly change my mind, just because we’re married.’

Stephany and Max was going to Italy to spend their first holiday. The place where they will stay is Carlo’s flat. Carlo is her good friend and she had taught him English before. Max worried they are good friends but, he was relived to hear that Carlo has a wife “Ruth” and two children.

However, while they were staying in Italy, Stephany’s behavior was so selfish. She went to a event with Carlo without saying anything to Max. How will be their and Carlo and Ruth’s relation? And two couples find out why, and a lot of other things about each other.

The genre is love romance, but it is cheating romance! It is terrible. I can not believe women for the future.

Penny Hancock. (1999). Just good Friends. Cambridge

The Beast

Are you afraid of the dark? You are right to be afraid. 

We live in the darkness and there we do our work.

You can be sure that we want only what is bad.

I read “The Beast.” The genre is Horror. The main character is Susie Blackmore, she is a photographer, lives in London.

Susie has been suffered from bad dreams which someone calls her since her father died. Her husband was worried about her appearance, he suggest her to take a vacation with each other. They decided to go Wales. Unfortunately, one snowy day, they have a traffic accident….

I was scared while reading this book because Susie’s experience, someone calls her in her dream was so strange for me.  In the story, There are some scenes about the voice of beast, it was also strange, although, little bit hard to read.

Carrolyn, Walker. (2001). The Beast. UK. Cambridge.

Within High Fences

‘George?’ I called. No reply. Then I saw that some of my things were not there – my CD player, my small television.

I started looking for my other things. I looked by my bed for the box where I kept my gold watch. I didn’t wear anymore.

This story’ genre is about love romance. The main character is Nancy. She have a husband who can earn enough money. And they live at a big house. Her husband, Tom, really love her but she was unsatisfied with her life. She wanted to work outside home. Later, she started to work as safety guard of asylum seekers in spite of Tom’s opposite.

She encountered a man who is also asylum seekers. He has a nice smile and is tough. She was attracted by him. His name is George. She gave him her address and telephone number despite of rule not to give individual information.

They fell in love. One day, a happening was occurred…..

This story is not long, so I could read comfortably.


asylum seekers: 難民申請者


Penny Hancock. (2005).Within High Fence. Cambridge

Eye of the Storm

The genre is thriller. The main character is Ikemi, a young woman lives in Miami, Florida.

She has a boyfriend, Max, but her father, Hiru doesn’t allowed her to date with him because he is an American. When she told him the truth, he couldn’t accept Hiru’s opinion. He insisted that Ikemi’s mother was American and her father really loved her. He couldn’t understand what her father’s thought was. One day, a big hurricane is approaching to Miami, but Hiru hasn’t come back home since he went fishing to the sea, so Ikemi decided to ask to help her father. However, no one helped her. She explained the situation to Max…

I enjoyed the story. But the sets are is ambiguous and irresponsible. In the hurricane, we must not go out by driving planes. However, the book does it. 

Mandy, Loader. (2003). Eye of the Storm. Cambridge.

The Big Bag Mistake

“But how-?”

“How do I know your address?” Richard says. “It’s on the label. You read books, Gisela. I read labels!”

Gisela is a traveler to England. Then she has to go back to Rio de Janeiro.

When she got on the plane, a man came to sit on the next seat of Gisela.

His name is Ricardo. He is not queit. They bacame friends.

After getting out the plane, she went home with mistake that she had Ricard’s bag.

Ricardo followed her having her bag, but he could not reach her.

He read the label on the bag to know her adress. Fair enough!


John Escott, (2002), The Big Bag Mistake, PGR

Strong Medicine

‘Hello, Detective Martinez, ‘ said Lato, starting to push himself up out of the chair.

The story’s genre is Murder Mystery, and Detective. And the main characters are Mark Latto and Detective Tony Martinez.

One morning, Mark Latto, who is British doctor, discovered the dead body. The body is Deborah Spencer. She was an American doctor of Chinese medecine. Her study was about parkinsonism. And  Mark found that the book that she was writing has disappeared.

Therefore, they invited the Detective. His name is Tony. It is murder? The police don’t think it is. But they aren’t sure.


Richard Macandrew. (2006).  Strong Medicine. Cambridge