What do you think? How do you feel about Crocs and Gators?

Do you know the story and movie, Peter Pan? A crocodile eats a clock. The clock stays in its body and makes a noise: tick, tick, tick. The crocodile wants to eat a man called Captain Hook. When Hook hears the noise, he knows the crocodiles is near. He runs away. He really doesn’t like crocodiles. (p.20)

I should read a story as usually, but this time this book inspired me in the library. This book taught me what is “crocs and gators”. Crocs mean crocodiles, and gators mean alligators. I don’t know it.

Then, what are different points between crocs and gators? First, their head are not same. The crocodile’s head is shaper and longer more than alligators. Second, the color is not same. Crocodiles are usually gray and green and alligators are black. Third, The habitats are not same. Alligators live in USA and China. But Crocodiles are all over the world. As these points I said, Crocodiles and Alligators are little bit different.

In addition to that, American people sometimes say, “See you later, alligator!” It is just joking, but alligator is close for American people because they live in same continent. I think that such the relation makes the joking.

I like such these explaining Books and will read such kind of book next.

crocs and gators simon beaver] に対する画像結果

Beaver. S, (2014), Crocs and Gators, Cambridge  University Press


CROCS AND GATORS」への2件のフィードバック
