
     Eskimos first lived in Alaska more than 7,000 years ago. Today, about 16% of all Alaskans are Eskimos. These people are really three groups: the Inupiaq the Yupik, and the Alutiiq. These groups are not very different, but they speak different languages.

Where is Alaska? Starting to read, I was thinking so. Alaska is located in west of Canada, but it is USA. Originally, Alaska was a part of Russia for a long time. Then in 1867, the US bought it from Russia for $7.2 million. Many people thought this was too much money. But the Americans found gold in Alaska in the late 1840s. Later, in the 1950s, they found lots of oil. They can recover the expense.

There is a hard race in Alaska. That is the Iditarod. The dogsled teams have to travel about 1,600 kilometers, from Anchorage to Nome. And the weather can be very bad, with freezing temperatures of -20 degrees and dangerous snow storms. I think that it is not necessary to have dogs, but only dogs can tolerate the cold temperatures and run over a long distance. I want to go to Alaska and watch them.


Harris. N, (2014), Alaska Wind and Free, Cambridge University Press

