
This book is about rubber used in many different ways. We hardly think about what an material it is. It keeps us warm and dry, and it makes our lives easier. Before I tell you what rubber is, I want to try to explain why the preposition does not come before “rubber.” Honestly, I could not understand why it is. But the rubber is uncountable nouns. They don’t allow “a” to come before themselves.

What I was surprised extremely is about the relation between the rubber and the shoes. Some shoes companies have improved rapidly because of the rubber. Somebody knows that shoes improving. In addition, I got the information about the relationship between Adidas and Puma. The people who established these company are bothers. I did not know that. I want to spread out the relationship to my friends.

Karmel Schreyer. (2014). Bounce! Cambridge University Prss

Are you listening?

I remembered a forum hold last year. In the forum, some professors said that there are four aspects, that are the listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It is important to input a lot of English words using four aspects.  My weak point is listening. Thinking so, I found out this book in the library.

This book is about sounds. It is also to listen. But I learned a interesting thing in this book. That thing is Mosquito’s sound, which is artifact. Young people can hear the sounds, however, older people can not hear this sounds. The sound is used in store in order to stay away there. It is not comfortable sound. Is it good idea? Lately, the sound became a ringtone for sell phones, then almost teachers can not hear this, so teenagers can use their phones in class without them knowing. How terrible it is!!

Some sounds are high. These come in short, quick waves. Low sounds are so high or slower waves. Some sounds are so high or so low that people can’t  hear them. But, some animals can! Dogs, for example, can hear very high sounds.

I found a word which i don’t know. That is earplugs. Perhaps, I think that it is mimimitabu, but actually, it is mimisen! I have not used this word, so I want to use this word in Fiji which I go to next month.


Maule, D, (2014), Are you listening?. Cambridge University Press


Do you think aliens will recover our messages? Will they communicate with us in words or in another way, like musical sounds? That’s what the aliens did in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind

I believe there are aliens that live on other planets in the universe! It is impossible not to live! How do they look like? In science – fiction books and Hollywood movies, the aliens are often “little green men” which has thin bodies, large eyes., and hands with only three fingers. They travel using UFO. I want to encounter that.

And I want to go and walk on the moon. According to this book, Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky researched building spacecraft as early as 1883. In addition to that, The Soviet Union also had the world’s first manned space flight. Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space around planet Earth. I could see a photo, which is him in this book, he is nice guy.

Can we make friendships with aliens? I can do that. Because we might have already met those intelligent extraterrestrial.


Kocienda, G. (2014). Aliens. Cambridge University Press

Northanger Abbey

I read this book this weekend. This was written by Jane Austen. The author reminds me that Professor Mizuo, who belonged to our department. Because she likes Austen’s works. By the way, what do you mean Northanger Abbey? Northanger means the place name. Abbey means a monastery given to nobles. Nothanger Abbey means a noble home with a history as a Christianity. Of course, this story is around the Northanger Abbey.

The main character is Catharine Morland. She is beautiful and cheerful. She made a friend in Bath, England. Her name is Isabella. Both of them had often go to a party hold in somewhere. One day, they met a nice man named Henry Tilney in a party. Chatharine and Henry became intimate after the party. But Chatharine did not like him. I could not believe it because Henry is a rich man and handsome. If I were Chatharine, I would be with him. After all they had a celebrate for them marrying.

In the middle of the story, she found a room in Tilney house. The door caused strange circumstance. Maybe in the room, some secrets were hidden by Henry’s father, but I did not understand what they are after reading.

Jane Austen, (2005), Nothanger Abbey, Macmillan Readers

The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories


I read this book this week. There are five short stories in this book, and the author is O. Henry. First story is “The Gift of the Magi, and its main character is a poor couple. And second one is “The Art Game,” and its main characters are two thieves, then third one is “The Troubadour,” and its main character is, of course, a troubadour. Fourth one is “Money Talks,” and its main characters are a rich man and his son. Finally, the last one is “Soapy’s Winter Home,” and its main character is a man who has no houses. I like first story because I had alredy known this story. It was easier to read than other stories.

After reading this book, I found a common point among these five stories. This book’s topic is money. Why did O. Henry write a lot of stories which are about money. In the Wikipedia,  O. Henry lived from 1862 to 1910, and that age had a big gap between rich people and poor people, so he wanted to tell next generations how serious his living time was, I think. Then, I enjoyed reading this book, and each story has short words and easy grammar like the Macmillan Series I like.

Henry, O. (2000). The gift of the Magi and Other Stories. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow; England. Pearson Education Limited.