What are the Odds?

This story told me a lot of possibilities about something. One is a chance of getting hit by lightning. I believe that the rate is low. Of course, yes. The possibility is very low. The percent is a 1 in 175,711,536. This rate is interesting because it is too low! Do we have to know the percentage? May be, I can show the knowledge in a party like a mixer. In the future. The odds that the average person will get lit by lightning are low, in addition, the odds are much higher that a person who is hit by lightning is man! Because Woman has been inside when the lightning comes near, but men don’t do that. I feel that I have to go inside to save myself from the danger of the lightning attacks.

When I got this book in a library, I thought the “Odds” as something strange. But through reading this book, I noticed that the meaning of “Odds” was the possibility. The sub theme of the title is “From Shark Attack to Lightning Strike.” I understand what the book said. The story tried to explain many kinds of the probabilities, but I could not catch the signal because my brain did not work. I have to make my brain work fluently.

Genevieve Kocienda. (2014). What are the Odds. Cambridge University Press
