Slice by Slice

I like pizza, and nobody dislike pizza. This story is about pizza. When I met this book in the library, I thought this as the book about the way how to count something. (like the way how to count bread is “a slice of bread.”) It is also learning English. But after reading this book, an idea stroke to me. This book is simply the story of pizza. I was betrayed by the title. However, this book has a sub title. That is “The Story of Pizza.” The betrayer was me……

This book says the pizza business. Many pizza restaurants and delivery stores are franchises. If my business is a kind franchise, I have to pay a well-known company to use their name and sell their products. Mr. Ostman said to me in a class that MacDonald is not originally hamburger shop. I cannot remember the original work, but the work is not hamburger shop. And Tsutaya is  also a franchise. Not franchise Tsutaya is not useful, because we cannot return the DVDs the other Tsutaya shop. The franchise system is interesting. I want to research the system of franchise.

Simon Beaver. (2014). Slice by Slice. Cambridge University Press.
