The Lost Cup

You climb down toward the cup. Just in time, you grab it before it falls.

Then you turn to help your partner. But it’s too late.

This time I read Atamaii-Books series same with the former I posted.

I am a detective. I am looking for the Jules Rimet cup, the lost world cup of soccer.Thieves stole it in 1983. No one knows what happened next.

My partner is John. He is talent for detective. I trust him. He get a information of a person who knows where the stolen cup is. Then I have to go to the airport and ask about the cup.

When I got to the airport, the man was waiting for me and John. He has no time to tell me the truth about the cup. Then I got the key of box forbidden the cup. Suddenly, he was shoot by his mates. There is no hint to find out the cup. After all, I discovered the cup, but John was killed by my mistakes, I lost my fame as a detective.

atamaii the lost cup に対する画像結果

James Broadbridge, (2014), The Lost Cup, Atamaii-Books

Zombies in Tokyo

Then you see that you have anew video massage.It’s from your friend, Evie. She studies science at Tokyo University. You play the massage.

“…if you get this…” Evie say. “…I cant explain now…the important thing is…” Suddenly, she looks around, scared.

Atamaii-books are very nice because the start is from me. I can choose the story. Then this book is very interesting. I read each of ending.

Firstly, I realized something is different around me. There no people. No cars. Nothing. Suddenly, a police officer said me “Off the street! Go home, lock your door!” But I did not go home.

I saw a girl lying on the ground with running much blood. I tried to help her, but I could not do so because she wake up and walking toward me. She is a zomby. She bite me. After all, I became a zomby, too, and bite someone around me.

Andy Boon. (2014). Zombies in Tokyo. Atamaii Books



“Who are you? “You asked.

“We are in the… information business” he says. “We like what your nanobots can do.”

I am a scientist, and make a nanobots, which use for an operation. The choice is also difficult. ”The nanobots are suddenly incresing! Which option d you choose? A: Stop the Operation. B: Continue the operation.” like that. I deside the later choice, B. As a result, the operation is success! But unfortunately my partner, Dr.Murphy, falled to the floor and shaked. It might be  stroke. Instantly, run a test. The test told me that he, Dr.murphy, is controled by some robots. That all. It is a good end? I don’t know what it is.


Andy.B, (2015), Brainstorm, Atama-ii books

Journey to Mars

‘Do you shoot Buck? Or do you wait?’

This is my First reading series of Atama-ii books. I thought what points are Atama-ii in this book. Then first I noticed that this book is optimal. The ending is freedom. Do you shoot or not? If you choose shoot, go to P8, if you choose not shoot, go to P10 etcetc……

After that, I did not go to Mars. Before I arrived at Mars, I got to Blue Planet. But the ending is optimal. My ending is not bad. If you have the choice of leading you to bad end, you could enjoy this  story more and more.

Paul, R. (2014). Journey To Mars. Tokyo: Atama-ii Books.