
     Eskimos first lived in Alaska more than 7,000 years ago. Today, about 16% of all Alaskans are Eskimos. These people are really three groups: the Inupiaq the Yupik, and the Alutiiq. These groups are not very different, but they speak different languages.

Where is Alaska? Starting to read, I was thinking so. Alaska is located in west of Canada, but it is USA. Originally, Alaska was a part of Russia for a long time. Then in 1867, the US bought it from Russia for $7.2 million. Many people thought this was too much money. But the Americans found gold in Alaska in the late 1840s. Later, in the 1950s, they found lots of oil. They can recover the expense.

There is a hard race in Alaska. That is the Iditarod. The dogsled teams have to travel about 1,600 kilometers, from Anchorage to Nome. And the weather can be very bad, with freezing temperatures of -20 degrees and dangerous snow storms. I think that it is not necessary to have dogs, but only dogs can tolerate the cold temperatures and run over a long distance. I want to go to Alaska and watch them.


Harris. N, (2014), Alaska Wind and Free, Cambridge University Press


A long, long time ago, people didn’t have books or the Internet to help them understand their world. They told stories, often about animals. These stories helped people understand their world.

In Harry Potter series, There are a lot of wonderful creatures. Goblins, trolls, unicorns , something like that. I like them. Those animals are fun because they do not exist in this world. (Probably, exist.) At least, I have not seen those animals. Their existence expand my images. Although, I read thisbook.

There are stories about mermaids in many different countries. Mermaids are half woman, and another half is fish. I think that ancient sailors perhaps saw sea animals called manatees and thought they were mermaids. That thing is the start of mermaids legends.

In this book, many creatures appeared. Nessie, dragons,bigfoot. But I don’t like UMA because they do not have dreams which expand my imaginations.


Beaver. S, (2014), Fantastic cretures monsters, mermaids, and wild men, Cambridge University Press


     What is time? Is it always the same? It goes slowly when we’re bored and fast when we’re having fun. Many older people feel that years go very quickly for them. Time is different for each of us.

When I have a fun, the time goes fast, and when I feel boring, the time goes slowly, especially in lectures time.If I watch the clock again and again, the clock does not work. I want to learn Time.

Centuries ago, it was not important to know the right time. Many people were farmers, and they do not have to know the right time. The thing  they want to know was weather. I feel that that is little bit different from now.

There are Time Zones in the earth. If you want to go back to yesterday, you could do that by traveling the four kilometers from Russia to USA. You can enjoy Christmas two times!

After all, I do not understand what time is, but it gives me a lot of experience.

it's time to learn about time simon beaver に対する画像結果

Beaver. S, (2014), It’s time (to learn about time),  Cambridge University Press,


     There are some unusual drinks in popular stories. In Romania, there is a story about a vampire, Dracula. He drank blood from young woman! Today, Tru Blood is a popular drink in the United States. But don’t worry. It is not really blood—it is only a soda!

Same as before, I read this series of not story. This time, I learn a importance of water. It is 60 percent of our bodies and 70 percent of our brains. We need about eight glasses of water every day. I have always drunk three or four glasses. I have to drink more! By the way, Do you know how much of a tomato is water? The answer is 93 percent! Alomost water! The proportion is same with rain. I think that we perhaps eat rain.

In USA or UK, the people often give chicken soup to sick people. Soup is very good for your body. You can get both of water and nutrition.Especially, garlic soup is better more than any soups for people who is getting colds. In stories, garlic stops vampires, too. If we some garlic soup, can vampires drink our blood?


Holmes. K, (2013), Drink up!, Cambridge University Press


     What do you think? How do you feel about Crocs and Gators?

Do you know the story and movie, Peter Pan? A crocodile eats a clock. The clock stays in its body and makes a noise: tick, tick, tick. The crocodile wants to eat a man called Captain Hook. When Hook hears the noise, he knows the crocodiles is near. He runs away. He really doesn’t like crocodiles. (p.20)

I should read a story as usually, but this time this book inspired me in the library. This book taught me what is “crocs and gators”. Crocs mean crocodiles, and gators mean alligators. I don’t know it.

Then, what are different points between crocs and gators? First, their head are not same. The crocodile’s head is shaper and longer more than alligators. Second, the color is not same. Crocodiles are usually gray and green and alligators are black. Third, The habitats are not same. Alligators live in USA and China. But Crocodiles are all over the world. As these points I said, Crocodiles and Alligators are little bit different.

In addition to that, American people sometimes say, “See you later, alligator!” It is just joking, but alligator is close for American people because they live in same continent. I think that such the relation makes the joking.

I like such these explaining Books and will read such kind of book next.

crocs and gators simon beaver] に対する画像結果

Beaver. S, (2014), Crocs and Gators, Cambridge  University Press


The Lost Cup

You climb down toward the cup. Just in time, you grab it before it falls.

Then you turn to help your partner. But it’s too late.

This time I read Atamaii-Books series same with the former I posted.

I am a detective. I am looking for the Jules Rimet cup, the lost world cup of soccer.Thieves stole it in 1983. No one knows what happened next.

My partner is John. He is talent for detective. I trust him. He get a information of a person who knows where the stolen cup is. Then I have to go to the airport and ask about the cup.

When I got to the airport, the man was waiting for me and John. He has no time to tell me the truth about the cup. Then I got the key of box forbidden the cup. Suddenly, he was shoot by his mates. There is no hint to find out the cup. After all, I discovered the cup, but John was killed by my mistakes, I lost my fame as a detective.

atamaii the lost cup に対する画像結果

James Broadbridge, (2014), The Lost Cup, Atamaii-Books

Zombies in Tokyo

Then you see that you have anew video massage.It’s from your friend, Evie. She studies science at Tokyo University. You play the massage.

“…if you get this…” Evie say. “…I cant explain now…the important thing is…” Suddenly, she looks around, scared.

Atamaii-books are very nice because the start is from me. I can choose the story. Then this book is very interesting. I read each of ending.

Firstly, I realized something is different around me. There no people. No cars. Nothing. Suddenly, a police officer said me “Off the street! Go home, lock your door!” But I did not go home.

I saw a girl lying on the ground with running much blood. I tried to help her, but I could not do so because she wake up and walking toward me. She is a zomby. She bite me. After all, I became a zomby, too, and bite someone around me.

Andy Boon. (2014). Zombies in Tokyo. Atamaii Books


Wild Country

I was feeling quite fed up actually.

I was very hot, my legs hurt again, and I was tired of watching Ellen and Grant together.

She was still touching his arm when she spoke to him, and they were still laughing together all the time.


This story’s genre was Romance. I like it, but this story was normal and I wasn’t excited. I want to read a romance which I can’t guess the end and excite me.

Wild Country was Tess’s father’s company in France. Tess worked there as a tour leader for group walking holiday. Grant worked there too, and he was handsome and a man of ability, while she wasn’t. Their relation was so bad. One day, they went to a same tour. Tess had a lot of faults. The tour beamed bad gradually. However, Grant helped her, in the end, they became good partner.

Margaret Johnson.(2008). Wild Country. Cambridge

Double Cross

Monica let the man pull her towards him.

When she was very close to him she stepped very hard on his right foot with the sharp hell of her left foot.

The man cried out in pain and let go of her.


Swedish minister, Kurt Carlsson, who is a minister was going to be killed by someone. Then Monika Lundgren, an Swedish sgent chased the killer. When she chased the killer, she found a strange football team, Millham United. She suspected them and tailed them. She catch the killer?

Monica went to Helsinki and  London for searching, but I don’t know why she visit there.She should collect information around her.  After all, She could avoid the assassination and could save his life, Kurt Carlsson.

This book is thriller. In the scene that Monika was found by a member of Millham United, I felt thrilling. I thought that Monika was brave although she was female. It was a little difficult for me to read, but interesting.

double cross: 裏切り

Philip Prowse. (1999). Double Cross. Cambridge

How I Met Myself

That night I had a strange dream. In my dream, I heard the noise of a door shutting loudly.

I was running out of a building and I ran into someone. A man.

He fell down. I turned to say sorry.

This story is written about a man. His name is John Taylor. One day, he met someone who has a same face as him. He was very surprised and wanted to talk with, but the man was disappeared. Since this experience, he started to investigate about same face man and doppelganger. Finally he found a old incident, it related same face man. In 1995, a family was killed. That all family’s name was same as John’s.

The story is unbelievable, especially doppelganger, but I want to meet a person who has same face with me.

David A. Hill. (2001). How I Met Myself. Cambridge