One Day

In this book, there are many main characters. There are 4 stories. It was just a normai Friday evening in Moreland Road, England<in March>. I’ll write a story, Jason’s love and future. He is a boy who is living with his mother and he will be supposed to go the art school in London. His father has run away from their home 12 years ago. One day, he goes to his girlfriend house. He loves her very much, but he is brought up the subject of breaking up by her.

It makes him very angry and sad, and he comes home. He meets a man… his father. He is  very surprised with it, and he runs out of the house. He doesn’t know what will happen after…

It was a little difficult to understand the 4 families situations. Next book series which i wanted to read are Macmillian Readers. My friend recommended me  to read because they are easier. Each book is little bit long, but I can read them without the intence to read.

Helen Naylor. (2008). One Day. Cambridge 2

Bad Love

Bad Love is really bad love. I mean that that is not the love romance. It is a kind of a murder mystery. Jack Duly is a good looking guy, and is a doctor. He has a black hair and blue eyes. Almost women like him attracted by his appearance.

By the way, in the almost books i read, a man who has black hair and blue eyes is treated as nice guy. I wonder that those guys attract a lot of women. I am also black hair.(not blue eyes.)  Can i attract many women in abroad?

Let’s get back on story, Jack was murdered by somebody. Becasue he did not close to not one woman. Judy killed him. Judy is a friend of Flick, she is main character and a detective. I want to be a nice guy like him, but if some women would kill me, my story became a story of novelized book in CER series.


Sue Leather. (2003). Bad Love. Cambridge

Next Door to Love

Stella is not together with James. James was a boyfriend of her, and was really bad man. He could not make her happy at last. She do not want a new man.  One day, a man moved the next door from her house. His name is Tony, who is good-looking guy. Janet, is Stella’s friend, told her that Stella had to go out to meet a new man. Stella actually do not a new man. But she was fascinated by Tony, because he was good guy.

Tony have a problem. That is about his child. He had a wife called Cathy. He have a child with Cathy, but they are not together now. He does not like her, he love his child in the opposite direction. Cathy said to Tony that she brought the child to Scottland with her new man. Tony went to sad because he could meet a child ever.

Stella and Tony are going well. She supposed that she and Tony rather go to Scottland. Finally, she could make good days with Tony in Scottland with the child.

next door to love に対する画像結果

Margaret Johanson. (2005). Next Door to Love. Cambridge

Just Like a Movie

I read this book this week. The title is Just Like a Movie. When I found it out, I think that the genre is love, or romance. I was betrayed like the main character did in the story.

Brand wanted much money to get marry to Gina. Because both of them like watching a movie, they could be closer earlier. But they don’t have enough money. Brand is a handyman, and she is teacher for young. In addition to that, She had to  look after her mother, who is sometimes sick. They are poor, but happy.

Brand thought that in order to marry Gina he get marry to Gina. In such a day, he encounter Carrie. Carrie is customer of him. When he come to her house to mend the roof of her house, he noticed that the house and the owner is rich. Instantly an idea struck him. The idea is that he could kill her, her money would come to him. In a result the attempt was failed by Gina and Carrie. Actually, they are friend. They notice that their lovers is same! He had to go to prison just like a movie.

「just like a movie cambridge」の画像検索結果

Sue Leather. (2014). Just Like a Movie. Cambridge

The Ironing Man

Firstly, when i saw the title, it struck two meanings into me, one is a kind of a hero, who is “Iron Man.” And the another is Irony Man. The latter is not a special like the Iron Man.

Actually, This book’s genre is the love, I think. Marina, she is the main character in this story, felt bored in her life, because she had only one work. It was house hold. The house hold imposed ‘top five’ working on her. Washing up after a meal, vacum(actually “vacuum” is correct in spite of my dictionary spelling, but in this book, written “vacum” ) (it is Marina’s mistake), ironing cleaning, shopping. Marina disliked these working. But she like her husband Tom.

She encountered a man named “Ironing man.” He said that he do Iron for Marina. I do not why he said such a thing, but she became happy because he do iron. She told these thing to Tom. Of course, he thought that she became mad or crazy(like a cheating.) He asked a detective to follow her life, but the detective had a mistake. He followed similar women to Marina. After all, Tom understood that Marina is clear, and don’t have a cheating. They, both of Marina and Tom, loved each other again. Ironing Man gave a mind to love each other. That was fun for me.

「the ironing man」の画像検索結果

Double Cross

Monika Lundgren is the main character in this story, and she is a member of a spy institution called Swedish Military Intelligence. First of all, what I have to say is that I have not read it all because this book has 15000 words. So I can introduce until I have already read.

Monika was standing on the wing of a plane in order to protect one person called Kurt Carlsson. Whether She was watching, he got a shot without gun sounds. When he fell into his knee, she looked around, and found a boat considered as the shooting point. And she saw a man wearing red T-shirt said Mad About Football!

A man offered her and her boss to help with searching the criminal person. I regarded him as strange because he has always mislead Monika. Monika got the evidence of the weapon used in an assault. It was crossbow. It was not gun. The fact betrayed my expectation. In my opinion, the weapon should be gun as I said before. I could not realize it.

She followed an soccer team and that fans. When she did it, she encountered a man regarded as the leader of the assassination. His name is Adolf Vitjord, who is a right-wing party in South Africa. I think that he regarded Carlsson as an obstacle to believe him and his belief. I don’t know why he try to kill Carlsson, but he must have his justified opinion.

I cannot wait for reading rest of the story.

Philip Prowse, (1991), Double Cross, Cambridge University Press

Wild Country

I was feeling quite fed up actually.

I was very hot, my legs hurt again, and I was tired of watching Ellen and Grant together.

She was still touching his arm when she spoke to him, and they were still laughing together all the time.


This story’s genre was Romance. I like it, but this story was normal and I wasn’t excited. I want to read a romance which I can’t guess the end and excite me.

Wild Country was Tess’s father’s company in France. Tess worked there as a tour leader for group walking holiday. Grant worked there too, and he was handsome and a man of ability, while she wasn’t. Their relation was so bad. One day, they went to a same tour. Tess had a lot of faults. The tour beamed bad gradually. However, Grant helped her, in the end, they became good partner.

Margaret Johnson.(2008). Wild Country. Cambridge

How I Met Myself

That night I had a strange dream. In my dream, I heard the noise of a door shutting loudly.

I was running out of a building and I ran into someone. A man.

He fell down. I turned to say sorry.

This story is written about a man. His name is John Taylor. One day, he met someone who has a same face as him. He was very surprised and wanted to talk with, but the man was disappeared. Since this experience, he started to investigate about same face man and doppelganger. Finally he found a old incident, it related same face man. In 1995, a family was killed. That all family’s name was same as John’s.

The story is unbelievable, especially doppelganger, but I want to meet a person who has same face with me.

David A. Hill. (2001). How I Met Myself. Cambridge

Just Good Friends

‘You know I promised Stephany she could use the flat.

It was before I knew you. I can’t suddenly change my mind, just because we’re married.’

Stephany and Max was going to Italy to spend their first holiday. The place where they will stay is Carlo’s flat. Carlo is her good friend and she had taught him English before. Max worried they are good friends but, he was relived to hear that Carlo has a wife “Ruth” and two children.

However, while they were staying in Italy, Stephany’s behavior was so selfish. She went to a event with Carlo without saying anything to Max. How will be their and Carlo and Ruth’s relation? And two couples find out why, and a lot of other things about each other.

The genre is love romance, but it is cheating romance! It is terrible. I can not believe women for the future.

Penny Hancock. (1999). Just good Friends. Cambridge

The Beast

Are you afraid of the dark? You are right to be afraid. 

We live in the darkness and there we do our work.

You can be sure that we want only what is bad.

I read “The Beast.” The genre is Horror. The main character is Susie Blackmore, she is a photographer, lives in London.

Susie has been suffered from bad dreams which someone calls her since her father died. Her husband was worried about her appearance, he suggest her to take a vacation with each other. They decided to go Wales. Unfortunately, one snowy day, they have a traffic accident….

I was scared while reading this book because Susie’s experience, someone calls her in her dream was so strange for me.  In the story, There are some scenes about the voice of beast, it was also strange, although, little bit hard to read.

Carrolyn, Walker. (2001). The Beast. UK. Cambridge.