
We have always put the sugar into some meals, or coffee. In these days, I do not put it into coffee. Black coffee is the best. Because when I drink sweet coffee, something ugly leave on my throat. When someone looks at my drinking, they are surprised at the color. It is minority to drink the black coffee. I also felt that I became an adult. Sugar has a lot of species. The best sugar is Zyo-haku-Toh, which I use in my home. The taste is really sugary. It is the best. And I can put it into everything because of the sweetness.

Recently, we can put sugar into something. But sugar has not always been so easy to get. 300 years ago, it was unusual for people to have sugar. And this book says that sugar have come with history of the slaves.The slaves were African people who caught, sold, and then sent to the southeastern United States to work on sugar and cotton plantations. The slaves were send by the ships. The ships were filled with as many slaves. Many of them died during the journey. But now, we can get sugar without slaves. I thought that we have to thank these historical slaves from the bottom of our hearts. I will treat sugar with care considerately.

Theo Walker. (2014). Sugar. Cambridge University Press.


Do you think aliens will recover our messages? Will they communicate with us in words or in another way, like musical sounds? That’s what the aliens did in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind

I believe there are aliens that live on other planets in the universe! It is impossible not to live! How do they look like? In science – fiction books and Hollywood movies, the aliens are often “little green men” which has thin bodies, large eyes., and hands with only three fingers. They travel using UFO. I want to encounter that.

And I want to go and walk on the moon. According to this book, Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky researched building spacecraft as early as 1883. In addition to that, The Soviet Union also had the world’s first manned space flight. Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space around planet Earth. I could see a photo, which is him in this book, he is nice guy.

Can we make friendships with aliens? I can do that. Because we might have already met those intelligent extraterrestrial.


Kocienda, G. (2014). Aliens. Cambridge University Press

Just Like a Movie

I read this book this week. The title is Just Like a Movie. When I found it out, I think that the genre is love, or romance. I was betrayed like the main character did in the story.

Brand wanted much money to get marry to Gina. Because both of them like watching a movie, they could be closer earlier. But they don’t have enough money. Brand is a handyman, and she is teacher for young. In addition to that, She had to  look after her mother, who is sometimes sick. They are poor, but happy.

Brand thought that in order to marry Gina he get marry to Gina. In such a day, he encounter Carrie. Carrie is customer of him. When he come to her house to mend the roof of her house, he noticed that the house and the owner is rich. Instantly an idea struck him. The idea is that he could kill her, her money would come to him. In a result the attempt was failed by Gina and Carrie. Actually, they are friend. They notice that their lovers is same! He had to go to prison just like a movie.

「just like a movie cambridge」の画像検索結果

Sue Leather. (2014). Just Like a Movie. Cambridge

The Ironing Man

Firstly, when i saw the title, it struck two meanings into me, one is a kind of a hero, who is “Iron Man.” And the another is Irony Man. The latter is not a special like the Iron Man.

Actually, This book’s genre is the love, I think. Marina, she is the main character in this story, felt bored in her life, because she had only one work. It was house hold. The house hold imposed ‘top five’ working on her. Washing up after a meal, vacum(actually “vacuum” is correct in spite of my dictionary spelling, but in this book, written “vacum” ) (it is Marina’s mistake), ironing cleaning, shopping. Marina disliked these working. But she like her husband Tom.

She encountered a man named “Ironing man.” He said that he do Iron for Marina. I do not why he said such a thing, but she became happy because he do iron. She told these thing to Tom. Of course, he thought that she became mad or crazy(like a cheating.) He asked a detective to follow her life, but the detective had a mistake. He followed similar women to Marina. After all, Tom understood that Marina is clear, and don’t have a cheating. They, both of Marina and Tom, loved each other again. Ironing Man gave a mind to love each other. That was fun for me.

「the ironing man」の画像検索結果

Double Cross

Monika Lundgren is the main character in this story, and she is a member of a spy institution called Swedish Military Intelligence. First of all, what I have to say is that I have not read it all because this book has 15000 words. So I can introduce until I have already read.

Monika was standing on the wing of a plane in order to protect one person called Kurt Carlsson. Whether She was watching, he got a shot without gun sounds. When he fell into his knee, she looked around, and found a boat considered as the shooting point. And she saw a man wearing red T-shirt said Mad About Football!

A man offered her and her boss to help with searching the criminal person. I regarded him as strange because he has always mislead Monika. Monika got the evidence of the weapon used in an assault. It was crossbow. It was not gun. The fact betrayed my expectation. In my opinion, the weapon should be gun as I said before. I could not realize it.

She followed an soccer team and that fans. When she did it, she encountered a man regarded as the leader of the assassination. His name is Adolf Vitjord, who is a right-wing party in South Africa. I think that he regarded Carlsson as an obstacle to believe him and his belief. I don’t know why he try to kill Carlsson, but he must have his justified opinion.

I cannot wait for reading rest of the story.

Philip Prowse, (1991), Double Cross, Cambridge University Press