Are you listening?

I remembered a forum hold last year. In the forum, some professors said that there are four aspects, that are the listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It is important to input a lot of English words using four aspects.  My weak point is listening. Thinking so, I found out this book in the library.

This book is about sounds. It is also to listen. But I learned a interesting thing in this book. That thing is Mosquito’s sound, which is artifact. Young people can hear the sounds, however, older people can not hear this sounds. The sound is used in store in order to stay away there. It is not comfortable sound. Is it good idea? Lately, the sound became a ringtone for sell phones, then almost teachers can not hear this, so teenagers can use their phones in class without them knowing. How terrible it is!!

Some sounds are high. These come in short, quick waves. Low sounds are so high or slower waves. Some sounds are so high or so low that people can’t  hear them. But, some animals can! Dogs, for example, can hear very high sounds.

I found a word which i don’t know. That is earplugs. Perhaps, I think that it is mimimitabu, but actually, it is mimisen! I have not used this word, so I want to use this word in Fiji which I go to next month.


Maule, D, (2014), Are you listening?. Cambridge University Press

The Piano


The story narated by Anthony called Tony by everyone in his childhood. He was from a poor family, and he can not go to the school enough, to 13 years old. It is not special. When he was child, everyone can not graduate from school in order to begin to work. Every family is poor, and all children are needy. Therefore he did not feel poor especially him. One day, the day which make him Tony 13 years old. He resigned his school, and he started to work on ranch. Because the former, Mr. Wood, is really kind to Tony, he lived happily and could sent a little money for his family. Among such a time, he found a piano. His fingers touched the keys and began to move. They moved up and down the keys. He had the talent of playing piano. Fortunately, a music teacher found his talent. Tony began to work as pianist.

In these days I like jazz like Bill Evans and Art Blakey. Crazy hot.


Border. R. (1989).The Piano. oxford bookworms library