Slice by Slice

I like pizza, and nobody dislike pizza. This story is about pizza. When I met this book in the library, I thought this as the book about the way how to count something. (like the way how to count bread is “a slice of bread.”) It is also learning English. But after reading this book, an idea stroke to me. This book is simply the story of pizza. I was betrayed by the title. However, this book has a sub title. That is “The Story of Pizza.” The betrayer was me……

This book says the pizza business. Many pizza restaurants and delivery stores are franchises. If my business is a kind franchise, I have to pay a well-known company to use their name and sell their products. Mr. Ostman said to me in a class that MacDonald is not originally hamburger shop. I cannot remember the original work, but the work is not hamburger shop. And Tsutaya is  also a franchise. Not franchise Tsutaya is not useful, because we cannot return the DVDs the other Tsutaya shop. The franchise system is interesting. I want to research the system of franchise.

Simon Beaver. (2014). Slice by Slice. Cambridge University Press.

What are the Odds?

This story told me a lot of possibilities about something. One is a chance of getting hit by lightning. I believe that the rate is low. Of course, yes. The possibility is very low. The percent is a 1 in 175,711,536. This rate is interesting because it is too low! Do we have to know the percentage? May be, I can show the knowledge in a party like a mixer. In the future. The odds that the average person will get lit by lightning are low, in addition, the odds are much higher that a person who is hit by lightning is man! Because Woman has been inside when the lightning comes near, but men don’t do that. I feel that I have to go inside to save myself from the danger of the lightning attacks.

When I got this book in a library, I thought the “Odds” as something strange. But through reading this book, I noticed that the meaning of “Odds” was the possibility. The sub theme of the title is “From Shark Attack to Lightning Strike.” I understand what the book said. The story tried to explain many kinds of the probabilities, but I could not catch the signal because my brain did not work. I have to make my brain work fluently.

Genevieve Kocienda. (2014). What are the Odds. Cambridge University Press


This book is about rubber used in many different ways. We hardly think about what an material it is. It keeps us warm and dry, and it makes our lives easier. Before I tell you what rubber is, I want to try to explain why the preposition does not come before “rubber.” Honestly, I could not understand why it is. But the rubber is uncountable nouns. They don’t allow “a” to come before themselves.

What I was surprised extremely is about the relation between the rubber and the shoes. Some shoes companies have improved rapidly because of the rubber. Somebody knows that shoes improving. In addition, I got the information about the relationship between Adidas and Puma. The people who established these company are bothers. I did not know that. I want to spread out the relationship to my friends.

Karmel Schreyer. (2014). Bounce! Cambridge University Prss

Are you listening?

I remembered a forum hold last year. In the forum, some professors said that there are four aspects, that are the listening, writing, reading, and speaking. It is important to input a lot of English words using four aspects.  My weak point is listening. Thinking so, I found out this book in the library.

This book is about sounds. It is also to listen. But I learned a interesting thing in this book. That thing is Mosquito’s sound, which is artifact. Young people can hear the sounds, however, older people can not hear this sounds. The sound is used in store in order to stay away there. It is not comfortable sound. Is it good idea? Lately, the sound became a ringtone for sell phones, then almost teachers can not hear this, so teenagers can use their phones in class without them knowing. How terrible it is!!

Some sounds are high. These come in short, quick waves. Low sounds are so high or slower waves. Some sounds are so high or so low that people can’t  hear them. But, some animals can! Dogs, for example, can hear very high sounds.

I found a word which i don’t know. That is earplugs. Perhaps, I think that it is mimimitabu, but actually, it is mimisen! I have not used this word, so I want to use this word in Fiji which I go to next month.


Maule, D, (2014), Are you listening?. Cambridge University Press