The Gift of the Magi and Other Stories


I read this book this week. There are five short stories in this book, and the author is O. Henry. First story is “The Gift of the Magi, and its main character is a poor couple. And second one is “The Art Game,” and its main characters are two thieves, then third one is “The Troubadour,” and its main character is, of course, a troubadour. Fourth one is “Money Talks,” and its main characters are a rich man and his son. Finally, the last one is “Soapy’s Winter Home,” and its main character is a man who has no houses. I like first story because I had alredy known this story. It was easier to read than other stories.

After reading this book, I found a common point among these five stories. This book’s topic is money. Why did O. Henry write a lot of stories which are about money. In the Wikipedia,  O. Henry lived from 1862 to 1910, and that age had a big gap between rich people and poor people, so he wanted to tell next generations how serious his living time was, I think. Then, I enjoyed reading this book, and each story has short words and easy grammar like the Macmillan Series I like.

Henry, O. (2000). The gift of the Magi and Other Stories. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow; England. Pearson Education Limited.

Island of the Blue Dolphins

‘I lifted my arms to the ship, but it moved slowly away.’

The story is narrated by twelve-year-old Karana, who belongs to a small tribe of Native Americans living on the coast of California. One day, she and her brother find out a red seils on the horizon. The visitors of the red seils will be allowed to camp on the island and hunt otter if they give the tribe half of the collected pelts.When it is time for the hunter to leave, they only offer one trunk of spearheads and jewelry, and no pelts, despite the fact that they have had a very successful hunt. Chowig, Karana’s father,  demands three more trunks, but the conflict leads to a full-scale battle between the visitors and the tribe’s warriors. The Aleuts win because they have a cannon. More than half of the tribe’s members die in the battlle. As a result, only Karana could survive.

This novel is too long to read in short time. And I can not tell what this book is. Can we get a happy ending until this book is read? Or bad ending? Why don’t you read it? We can watch the movie


O’Del,S. (1973).Is land of the Blue Dolphins. Penguin Readers