L.A. Raid

This story is about a private detective, Lenny Samuel. One day, there was a big news, $ 100000000 was stolen from the First City Bank on Sunset Boulevard this morning. The raider put on a duck musk, and he/she escaped by a mortorbike. Then, the stolen case by duck musk have increased suddenly. Who was the laider, and why did he/she steal the big money?

I don’t like detective genre, Because there are a lot of characters in a story. Logan Series, which is in CUP, is the worst. Those are really tired. This story is too. I never have read those detective genre without Meitantei Conan.

l. a. raid に対する画像結果

Prowse, P. (2005). L. A. Raid. Oxford; U.S. Macmillan

Jesus Christ Superstar

I looked up Hosanna in a dictionary, because the word was difficult for me. In my images, the meaning is something good. The dictionary tell me that “Hosanna is an expression of adoration, praise or joy.” I also could not comprehend the meaning of adoration. I use the dictionary again. It tell me that the adoration is love for the god. This movie increase my English vocabulary.

By the way, originally, Hosanna means “Please help me!” in Hebrew. In the Christian religion, that meaning is the adoration.It is kind of applause like amen or hallelujah. I have never say these words, so I will do that tomorrow.

This movie is like Les Miserables. Musical movie is difficult to understand the story because I could not listen to the words! When I watched Les Miserables, I had same idea. However, this time our professor gave us the handout of the lyrics. It help me to obtain the story easily. The musical itself was fun. Other classes should use this musical class style.


A long, long time ago, people didn’t have books or the Internet to help them understand their world. They told stories, often about animals. These stories helped people understand their world.

In Harry Potter series, There are a lot of wonderful creatures. Goblins, trolls, unicorns , something like that. I like them. Those animals are fun because they do not exist in this world. (Probably, exist.) At least, I have not seen those animals. Their existence expand my images. Although, I read thisbook.

There are stories about mermaids in many different countries. Mermaids are half woman, and another half is fish. I think that ancient sailors perhaps saw sea animals called manatees and thought they were mermaids. That thing is the start of mermaids legends.

In this book, many creatures appeared. Nessie, dragons,bigfoot. But I don’t like UMA because they do not have dreams which expand my imaginations.


Beaver. S, (2014), Fantastic cretures monsters, mermaids, and wild men, Cambridge University Press

The Lost Cup

You climb down toward the cup. Just in time, you grab it before it falls.

Then you turn to help your partner. But it’s too late.

This time I read Atamaii-Books series same with the former I posted.

I am a detective. I am looking for the Jules Rimet cup, the lost world cup of soccer.Thieves stole it in 1983. No one knows what happened next.

My partner is John. He is talent for detective. I trust him. He get a information of a person who knows where the stolen cup is. Then I have to go to the airport and ask about the cup.

When I got to the airport, the man was waiting for me and John. He has no time to tell me the truth about the cup. Then I got the key of box forbidden the cup. Suddenly, he was shoot by his mates. There is no hint to find out the cup. After all, I discovered the cup, but John was killed by my mistakes, I lost my fame as a detective.

atamaii the lost cup に対する画像結果

James Broadbridge, (2014), The Lost Cup, Atamaii-Books

Zombies in Tokyo

Then you see that you have anew video massage.It’s from your friend, Evie. She studies science at Tokyo University. You play the massage.

“…if you get this…” Evie say. “…I cant explain now…the important thing is…” Suddenly, she looks around, scared.

Atamaii-books are very nice because the start is from me. I can choose the story. Then this book is very interesting. I read each of ending.

Firstly, I realized something is different around me. There no people. No cars. Nothing. Suddenly, a police officer said me “Off the street! Go home, lock your door!” But I did not go home.

I saw a girl lying on the ground with running much blood. I tried to help her, but I could not do so because she wake up and walking toward me. She is a zomby. She bite me. After all, I became a zomby, too, and bite someone around me.

Andy Boon. (2014). Zombies in Tokyo. Atamaii Books


Wild Country

I was feeling quite fed up actually.

I was very hot, my legs hurt again, and I was tired of watching Ellen and Grant together.

She was still touching his arm when she spoke to him, and they were still laughing together all the time.


This story’s genre was Romance. I like it, but this story was normal and I wasn’t excited. I want to read a romance which I can’t guess the end and excite me.

Wild Country was Tess’s father’s company in France. Tess worked there as a tour leader for group walking holiday. Grant worked there too, and he was handsome and a man of ability, while she wasn’t. Their relation was so bad. One day, they went to a same tour. Tess had a lot of faults. The tour beamed bad gradually. However, Grant helped her, in the end, they became good partner.

Margaret Johnson.(2008). Wild Country. Cambridge

Double Cross

Monica let the man pull her towards him.

When she was very close to him she stepped very hard on his right foot with the sharp hell of her left foot.

The man cried out in pain and let go of her.


Swedish minister, Kurt Carlsson, who is a minister was going to be killed by someone. Then Monika Lundgren, an Swedish sgent chased the killer. When she chased the killer, she found a strange football team, Millham United. She suspected them and tailed them. She catch the killer?

Monica went to Helsinki and  London for searching, but I don’t know why she visit there.She should collect information around her.  After all, She could avoid the assassination and could save his life, Kurt Carlsson.

This book is thriller. In the scene that Monika was found by a member of Millham United, I felt thrilling. I thought that Monika was brave although she was female. It was a little difficult for me to read, but interesting.

double cross: 裏切り

Philip Prowse. (1999). Double Cross. Cambridge

The Beast

Are you afraid of the dark? You are right to be afraid. 

We live in the darkness and there we do our work.

You can be sure that we want only what is bad.

I read “The Beast.” The genre is Horror. The main character is Susie Blackmore, she is a photographer, lives in London.

Susie has been suffered from bad dreams which someone calls her since her father died. Her husband was worried about her appearance, he suggest her to take a vacation with each other. They decided to go Wales. Unfortunately, one snowy day, they have a traffic accident….

I was scared while reading this book because Susie’s experience, someone calls her in her dream was so strange for me.  In the story, There are some scenes about the voice of beast, it was also strange, although, little bit hard to read.

Carrolyn, Walker. (2001). The Beast. UK. Cambridge.

Shrek Forever After

”What about a day when you were baby?”

After Fiona’s poblem was solved, Rumpelstiltskin came to the castle which King and Queen live in. Rumpelstitskin was trying to be a rich by solving the problem, but he could not do it.

Shrek got married with Fiona. Fiona is happy, but Shrek is not. Every day is same. Then, Rampelstiltskin talk with Shrek. “I can help you.” Shrek signed the contract. It was supposed that he could go back to his past time……


Hughes, Annie. (2011). Shrek Forevr After(Popcorn ELT Readers).London

The Piano


The story narated by Anthony called Tony by everyone in his childhood. He was from a poor family, and he can not go to the school enough, to 13 years old. It is not special. When he was child, everyone can not graduate from school in order to begin to work. Every family is poor, and all children are needy. Therefore he did not feel poor especially him. One day, the day which make him Tony 13 years old. He resigned his school, and he started to work on ranch. Because the former, Mr. Wood, is really kind to Tony, he lived happily and could sent a little money for his family. Among such a time, he found a piano. His fingers touched the keys and began to move. They moved up and down the keys. He had the talent of playing piano. Fortunately, a music teacher found his talent. Tony began to work as pianist.

In these days I like jazz like Bill Evans and Art Blakey. Crazy hot.


Border. R. (1989).The Piano. oxford bookworms library